ADSP Data Production Workflow
Data deposition activities are coordinated by NIAGADS and GCAD via a unified data production and sharing flow to ensure compliance and consistency, and facilitate synergy with data domain experts.
First, all incoming data are submitted to NIAGADS to be registered as part of ADSP before any data processing activities take place. NIAGADS reviews and documents data integrity and informed consent restrictions to ensure processed data can be integrated with the rest of ADSP and shared with the research community. Data processing, harmonization, and quality control are carried out by designated partners, depending on the type of data and data processing activities: WGS and WES are processed by GCAD; deep phenotypes are harmonized by the ASDP phenotype harmonization consortium; functional genomics data are processed by GCAD and the ADSP functional genomics workgroup. Processed data are then shared with the research community, and analysis results and derived/secondary data are returned to NIAGADS for additional sharing. This unified data flow process is easy to follow, ensures ADSP can handle all types of data from all contributors consistently, in compliant with regulations, and provides needed flexibility for handling new types of data and projects as ADSP continues to grow.