Wisconsin Healthcare Utilization Cost Among American Indians/Alaska Natives with and without Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) accrue higher healthcare utilization costs than peers without ADRD, but incremental costs of ADRD among American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) is unknown. State-wide paid electronic health record data were retrospectively analyzed using percentile-based bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals of the weighted mean difference of total 5-year billed costs to compare total accrued for non-Tribal and Indian Health Service utilization costs among Medicaid and state program eligible AI/AN, ≥40 years, based on the presence/absence of ADRD (matching by demographic and medical factors). AI/AN individuals with ADRD accrued double the costs compared to those without ADRD, costing an additional $880.45 million to $1.91 billion/year.